Imagine yourself in your students’ shoes…
Whether you teach in a face-to-face class, an online classroom, or a hybrid environment - students feel more connected and motivated when they know their instructor is willing to reach out.
Here are a few tips for making this early contact.
Make a Phone Call
An effective way of making personal contact with your online student is with a phone call. This gives you the chance to personally introduce yourself to each student and answer questions. It also demonstrates that you desire to be an approachable, supportive instructor. Find student phone numbers in IQWeb (Student Advising) or from the SDO office (undergrad cell numbers).
Send an Email
Introductory emails can be an efficient way to get your class on the same page. These notes serve as reminders to login for the first week of class, or as a way to answer frequently asked questions that students have posed in the past.
Start a Discussion
A pre-class introductory discussion board can help jumpstart the online interaction between students and instructor. Require students (and yourself!) to add personal information, what they expect to gain from the class, and what questions they have. Make sure to answer these posts in a timely manner.
How we treat our students BEFORE class begins sets the stage for the entire semester!
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